Introduction: Sugru - Mini Quadruped

About: We love playing with and writing about cool toys.
I wanted to build a Mini Quadruped but they all seem like they have no grip and fall over. I really like the Quadruped design by TheCase on Thingiverse and it seems to have quite a few adaptations by a few other Thingiverse members so I could make a few mods down the road if I wanted to so I downloaded it and made a quick mod of my own to use with the Sugru.

Submitted by Mobile Makerspace for the Instructables Sponsorship Program

Step 1: Edit in Sketchup

The Sugru mod that I made was to the legs. I downloaded the original files from Thingiverse.  Then using the "STL for Sketchup" plugin I imported the STL file into Sketchup and and make a few little notches at the end of the legs where I will be adding the Sugru.

This will allow the Sugru to stay in place indefinitely although it really does not need much help. I got the idea from the Sugru robot arm called FixBot where the notches are on the finger.

Step 2: Print the Leg

Download the leg from my account on Thingiverse then print the leg on your favorite 3D printer. Right now, I am using the Ditto+ 3D printer from Tinkerine Studio. I love this thing... it has a huge build platform and it is easy to use with an easy to navigate LCD on the front and you can print using an SD. They built a nice custom software interface for it as well. I used PLA and the settings I used to print are in the screenshot.

Step 3: Sugru Time!

If you choose to print all of your legs, you can add the Sugru now, or if you choose to print just one of the legs and copy the rest using a mold. you can use one of many products.

Take a small ball of Sugru and smush it into the bottom part of the leg wrapping it around and pushing it into the grooves that are cut out in the bottom. Do not worry about forming a proper looking foot unless you really want one but I don't think it will do you any favors. It may actually get in the way.

Form the foot so it is sticking down in the shape you want and flatten the bottom so it sits flat when the bot is standing in it's natural position. I rounded the edges a bit to allow it to roll a bit as it walks like a natural ball on a foot.

I had a lady send me a bunch of really cool stuff from ComposiMold. It's a product that you can use to cast parts that you have printed (or anything else) and make a bunch of copies then microwave it and use it again. This saves tons of filament if you are printing something that requires a bunch of the same parts. Be sure to freeze your printed part first before making the mold otherwise you will warp your parts as instructed in the directions and videos.

Repeat by making more copies of the foot using the 3D printer or the mold process and add the Sugru forming the foot.

Once you have completed the legs and with the Sugru cured, continue with the rest of the assembly.
Weekend Projects Contest

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Weekend Projects Contest