Introduction: Super Cool Roll Holder (For Heat Transfer Vinyl)

This is the Super Cool Roll Holder. It is designed to hold three 2 inch wide heat transfer vinyl rolls.


List of items and software needed: 1 piece of wood, Autodesk Inventor, laser cutter, laser cutter software

Step 1:

Make your dimensions in Autodesk Inventor. For me my dimensions were 10.5 in wide, and 2 in tall for the face, and 8 in wide and 2 in tall for the side. The rest is displayed above.

Step 2:

Export your roll holder face and support as whatever you would like to name it.

Step 3:

Export the face onto your laser cutting software and cut it.

Step 4:

Set up your parts.

Step 5:

Assemble your roll holder.

Step 6:

You are done with your super cool roll holder!

For the Home Contest

This is an entry in the
For the Home Contest