Introduction: Survival Kit
I am making a survival kit and here are suggestions of what to put in it. These are the main stuff to survival but I will keep editing to add more stuff and ideas that you will need.
Step 1: Finding a Box
I am using an old pencil case for all I the supplies.
Step 2: Knife
You definitely need a knife. For cutting fire wood and hunting. It is a key part of survival.
Step 3: Lighter
You need a lighter to start fires to keep you warm. Also to cook the meat you have hunted.
Step 4: Paracord
This is another key part of survival. This is because you can set up traps and set up a tent with it. You don't need to put it in the box you can wear it.
Step 5: Compass
You will need a compass. Because if you want to travel south for warmth you need to use a compass. Because you could be traveling east north or south.
Step 6: Flash Light
You need light at night to see. I bought a solar powered light at ACE hardware store for 5$
Step 7: Safety
You will need some band-aids and rubbing alcohol. This is for if you get a cut cut and you need proper treatment.
Step 8: Fresh Water
You will need fresh water to survive. You can use plastic bags and a rubber band. Put the plastic bag on a tree branch and put the rubber band over the plastic bag. Over time since the water can't evaporate it needs to I somewhere so it will go to the bottom of the bag.
Step 9: Fresh Water Holder
You need a place to hold the fresh water. That is a definite.
Step 10: Clip
You need this to hold stuff together. Like a knife , water bottle, ect.