Introduction: Sweet Banana Fry

Do you know a fact : Most of the people tell " BANANA TREE ..BANANA TREE " but the truth is that it is not a tree because it don't have wood tissue .it is a herbs type plant. But called has banana tree.

today we are making a sweet banana cutlet..It is very easy to make.

when i make this my father and mother like it well. they told me how you learned cooking ..I tell it is my skill.

but i think it is a gift of god .. It is copy of "BANANA FRY" it is very tasty sorry for wasting your valuable time ....for more tasty i add some other incredients. I made little change but taste is same. let start..


  • maida 3 x table spoon
  • gram powder 1 x table spoon
  • ghee 1 x tea spoon
  • dry grapes 10 or more
  • cashew nut 10 or more
  • salt 1 x tea spoon
  • turmeric powder 1 x tea spoon
  • oil
  • banana 3
  • coconut flaks
  • Water-3/4 cup

Step 1: Maida and Gram Powder

take maida and add gram powder to it and add some salt,sugar and turmeric powder to it.

Step 2: Take Water

add water mix well after mixing see like that (last picture)

Step 3: Banana

Take banana and take a vessel with 1/4 and steaming banana for 10 mins.Don't peel first after steaming we can peel it.Cut it

Step 4: Coconut ,dry Grapes Cashew Nut

take coconut flakes..take a pot and add ghee and fry the dry grapes and cashew nut ,after 1 min add coconut flakes.add some sugar

Step 5: Make It As a Small Ball

mix the banana with coconut grape cashew nut mixer and make it as small ball

Step 6: Frying Time

that small ball pour into our maida , gram powder paste. and add oil on pot and fry it

Step 7: Our Sweet Banana Cutlet Is Ready

my dish is little over fried , because of i am take photos this time .sorry for the trouble

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