Introduction: Symmetry

Let's get some hands on experience with Symmetry!


Notes on Symmetry

Step 1: Go to

Today we are going to work on Symmetry and physically manipulate objects to better understand the different kinds of symmetry we are learning about. In today's activity we will be working with all three types of symmetry we learned about. As a refresher, those are Rotational, Reflection, and Point Symmetry.

Step 2: Load the Indicated Objects Into Your Work Plane.

Ok, let's get started by loading several objects into your work plane. Use the above pictures as reference if needed. You will need the following throughout this activity:

1) Triangle
2) Star
3) Ice Cream Cone
4) Glasses
5) Dinosaur Head
6) Skull

Step 3: Work With One Model at a Time.

Since there are several objects in our work plane, I would suggest moving your objects to the sides and moving a single object to the center to work with.

If you prefer to only have one object on your work plane at once, that is fine, but you will be required to submit something for each object listed above. You will only receive full credit for including all of the objects when you submit your final assignment.

Step 4: Investigate Your Shapes for Symmetry.

There are MANY ways to investigate and prove Symmetry of an object through Tinkercad. I encourage you to explore and use your critical thinking skills to come up with ways to investigate Symmetry.

If you are truly struggling, here are two hints:

1) Use holes
2) Change the angle you are looking at the object

Step 5: What You Are Actually Submitting.

So what do you actually need to submit to the activity on Schoology?

Proof and labeling of type of Symmetry for each object.

That's it. However you do that (accurately and clearly), I am good with. I have provided an example in the picture above with different object of how I might submit my findings for a single object.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

****There may be extra credit points assigned to innovative or over the top demonstrations of symmetry.****