About: Custom Fishing Rod Builder from North Carolina. I love too make things, build things, fix things, etc. Check out my Social Media pages for more information.


If you are reading this, you are probably wondering what the heck this thing is. Ooor you are a fisherman, and you want to see what it is all about...Either way, you are in the right place. But first let me see if I can answer some of those questions.

Questions when you click on an instructables...Like

What is it?

This is a how-to, in making the best FG knot jig; FG knot is used to tie to lines together for fishing. FG is one of, IF NOT THE STRONGEST line to line (line to leader) knots you can do.

How long does it take? (Build)

About 2 hours, if you have access to all the tools.

How much does it take to make?

Around 15 dollars (USD), if that. Most expensive thing is the piece of aluminum, coming in at $10 at your local big box home improvement store.

Why did you make it?

I knew it is a good knot, I couldn't tie it on my own. Hated how much commercial jigs are going for (around $55 USD), and how big other DIY jigs were in size. I make custom fishing rods and I use a lot of tiny little micro guides. The FG knot passes through guides with ease.

Is there a video?

Yes, 2 in fact. One, how I made the jig and the other, how to use the jig.

Can I use your template?

Absolutely! I have attached it to this instructables.

Wow, are you entered in a contest?

Yes, thanks for asking...I am in the Build a Tool Contest

Will there be cake?

As of right now, no. BUT if you vote and I win, I will save you piece.

Thank you, and please enjoy...


Here is what I used:

One- 2" width x 1/4" thick aluminum (about 8" long is all you will need to do one)

Printed template of jig

Three- 2" Stainless steel screws 10-24 (but you can get away using a little shorter one)

Three- 10-24 stainless steel wing nuts

Two- Aluminum rivets (length is half an inch)

Nine- Stainless steel finishing washers (ID fits the screw)

Three- pass through rubber grommets (ID fits the screw)

Two- springs 1/2" to 3/4" springs

(Feel free to make any changes, but let me know how it came out)

Step 1: I Win...Aluminum Beats Paper & Scissors

Print out my template. I have provided 4 sets of the jig (you know, for multiples...or mistakes)

Cut out one of the jigs and glue them to the aluminum. You can use spray adhesive, contact cement, rubber cement, etc. I used a glue stick.

Next is cutting.

Step 2: Wait...Bandsaw Beats Aluminum

Cut the pieces out. Aluminum is one of the softest metals. I used a chop saw to reduce the size that I was working on. After that, I used my little bench top bandsaw to carefully cut out all the pieces. You can use anything to cut these pieces out like a grinder, rotatory power tool, coping saw, laser vision, etc. I am new to the CNC scene, but I hope my template can be formatted and used for creating this jig on there.

After all the pieces are cut, sand them. I used a rotatory carver and belt sander.

Step 3: Punch, Measure, Drill

After cutting, I center punched all marked drill holes.

I then, measured the hardware using a drill bit gauge. My screws and my rivets are 3/16". And the small holes that hold the springs are 1/8".

Step 4: Make It Pretty

After drilling all the holes...hey! Mind out of gutter!...Ok, I used a wire wheel at my stationary grinder to remove the paper and burl left behind from drilling the holes.

With my carving rasp in my rotary carver, I softened all the edges and gave the pieces a chinked/brushed aluminum look. (optional)

Step 5: Pieces, ASSEMBLE!!!

Assembling the pieces, I riveted all the aluminum pieces together. The wings will be tight, but eventually they will loosen up over time.

Assembling the screws; put one finishing washer face down, then push the screw through. On the adjacent side, put the next finishing washer upside down, then a rubber grommet, and then another finishing washer, right side up. Last for the screw, the wing nut.

The purpose of the grommet is to grip and lock the line down, and to protect the line from the thread of the screw.

If you used too long of screws like me, just got them down to size.

AND finally add the springs.


Step 6: Hey If My Typing Is Atrocious, Watch the Video!

Quick video using the same photos, but you will have the pleasure of hearing my annoying voice explain everything.

Step 7: Well I Built It...How Do I Use It?

Here is how you use the tool.

Step 8: Vote! Build a Tool Contest

Click Here toget to the contest page. If you made it this far, let me say with all of my heart, "THANK YOU". It is greatly appreciated! Have a great day!