Introduction: TV B Gone PVC Case
The TV B Gone Kit is a fun, and easy starting project for people learning how to solder. It's a sneaky device that can cause a lot of fun and chaos by turning off almost every TV out there.
The only problem is that once it's put together, all of the circuits and wiring are exposed, which don't exactly scream "sneaky" or "safe" (even though it is perfectly safe)
I decided to create a case for the little device that is cheap and provides great protection.
Thanks to joejoerowley for his Instructable How to Make a TV B Gone Hard Case. It gave me the idea for this Instructable.
The only problem is that once it's put together, all of the circuits and wiring are exposed, which don't exactly scream "sneaky" or "safe" (even though it is perfectly safe)
I decided to create a case for the little device that is cheap and provides great protection.
Thanks to joejoerowley for his Instructable How to Make a TV B Gone Hard Case. It gave me the idea for this Instructable.
Step 1: Build Your Kit
The kit comes in a silver bag containing all of the parts you'll need to create your TV B Gone. The only problem is THERE ARE NO INSTRUCTIONS!!!
It's OK, though, because people have solved this problem by writing them out on the Internet.
The instructions for version 1.2 are here.
You can also get instructions for versions 1.1 and 1.0 from there or on Instructables.
It's OK, though, because people have solved this problem by writing them out on the Internet.
The instructions for version 1.2 are here.
You can also get instructions for versions 1.1 and 1.0 from there or on Instructables.
Step 2: Get All Your Stuff
Once you have your kit assembled, it's time to protect that circuit board from falls and bumps it may encounter on your TV hunts.
You WILL need these items:
(1) About 2.5 to 3 inches of 1-1'2 PVC tubing
(2) A Dremel tool with a drill attachment, small grinder, and large grinder (you may want to use a cutting tool instead, but I didn't have one)
(3) A Mask to block PVC dust ( I used a ski mask)
(4) Safety Goggles (also to protect from PVC dust)
(5) Some kind of tape (I used electrical tape and duct tape)
(6) A Sharpie Marker
These items are OPTIONAL
(1) Some Spray Paint (any color)
(2) A Hack Saw (If your PVC tube is longer than 3 inches)
(3) Acrylic Clear Coat (only needed for spray painting)
(I used a special spray paint so I didn't use the acrylic clear coat)
You WILL need these items:
(1) About 2.5 to 3 inches of 1-1'2 PVC tubing
(2) A Dremel tool with a drill attachment, small grinder, and large grinder (you may want to use a cutting tool instead, but I didn't have one)
(3) A Mask to block PVC dust ( I used a ski mask)
(4) Safety Goggles (also to protect from PVC dust)
(5) Some kind of tape (I used electrical tape and duct tape)
(6) A Sharpie Marker
These items are OPTIONAL
(1) Some Spray Paint (any color)
(2) A Hack Saw (If your PVC tube is longer than 3 inches)
(3) Acrylic Clear Coat (only needed for spray painting)
(I used a special spray paint so I didn't use the acrylic clear coat)
Step 3: Prepare the PVC
Make sure you have 3 inches of PVC piping. Also make sure both ends are fairly flat, and smoothed with the Dremel sanders.
Then take your 3 inches and mark a small rectangle on one of the ends of the tube.
This rectangle should be big enough for you thumb to fit through, but small enough so you cover up most of the circuitry.
Cut or grind out the square and then smooth out all the new edges on your case.
NOTE: You may want to flatten the "bottom" of the tube so the case won't roll when you set it down on a flat surface.
Then take your 3 inches and mark a small rectangle on one of the ends of the tube.
This rectangle should be big enough for you thumb to fit through, but small enough so you cover up most of the circuitry.
Cut or grind out the square and then smooth out all the new edges on your case.
NOTE: You may want to flatten the "bottom" of the tube so the case won't roll when you set it down on a flat surface.
Step 4: Paint the Case (OPTIONAL)
If you would like to, you can paint your case a color to make it "prettier".
I painted mine black so it wouldn't stick out as much, but any color will work.
To paint it, all you have to do is wash the PVC after you have cut it to make sure you don't have any dust fragment left. You may also want to clean it with rubbing alcohol to clean it thoroughly.
Follow the steps on the can for painting and apply at least two light coats. If you have to apply an acrylic clear coat, also apply two coats.
Let it set at least overnight, if not longer, and then you're ready to move on.
I painted mine black so it wouldn't stick out as much, but any color will work.
To paint it, all you have to do is wash the PVC after you have cut it to make sure you don't have any dust fragment left. You may also want to clean it with rubbing alcohol to clean it thoroughly.
Follow the steps on the can for painting and apply at least two light coats. If you have to apply an acrylic clear coat, also apply two coats.
Let it set at least overnight, if not longer, and then you're ready to move on.
Step 5: Insert and Secure
Once the paint is dry, you can begin to put your TV B Gone kit into it's case.
First, take a 2.5-3 inch piece of duct tape (depending on the length of the tube) and cut it in half lengthwise. Then, take the two pieces and roll them so they create a circle of tape. Place the two circles on the bottom of the kit, making sure only to touch battery and plastic, none of the metal. If you feel safer using electrical tape, then do so.
Then take the entire kit and slowly put it into the case. It should be a snug fit, which will make it a little difficult to put it in with the tape on the bottom. Make sure the LED's are inside the PVC pipe and not sticking out. Once it's in press it down gently to make sure it's secure on the bottom.
Once the kit is in, you may need to put some filler between the edge of the PVC tube and the TV B Gone kit. Just roll some tape and stick to to the battery holder.
When you've done all of that, you then wrap the bottom half of the case with electrical tape. Make sure you don't cover up the LED lights and go around a few times to make sure it is secure.
I molded the tape on the bottom to create feet so it wouldn't roll as easily.
And you're done!!!
First, take a 2.5-3 inch piece of duct tape (depending on the length of the tube) and cut it in half lengthwise. Then, take the two pieces and roll them so they create a circle of tape. Place the two circles on the bottom of the kit, making sure only to touch battery and plastic, none of the metal. If you feel safer using electrical tape, then do so.
Then take the entire kit and slowly put it into the case. It should be a snug fit, which will make it a little difficult to put it in with the tape on the bottom. Make sure the LED's are inside the PVC pipe and not sticking out. Once it's in press it down gently to make sure it's secure on the bottom.
Once the kit is in, you may need to put some filler between the edge of the PVC tube and the TV B Gone kit. Just roll some tape and stick to to the battery holder.
When you've done all of that, you then wrap the bottom half of the case with electrical tape. Make sure you don't cover up the LED lights and go around a few times to make sure it is secure.
I molded the tape on the bottom to create feet so it wouldn't roll as easily.
And you're done!!!
Step 6: Other Ideas
I finished this project and about a week after it was done, I thought of some things that could be done to improve it.
Package the TV B Gone in a Styrofoam cylinder (except around the button) and put it into the case and tape it in. This is just for extra protection.
You could also try attaching a piece of plastic in the front of the case instead of taping it shut, but I didn't have the patience for that.
You could make an actual button into the tubing to get rid of the hole, but I didn't really know where to start with that project.
Thanks for reading my first Instructable. Make sure you comment and rate it below and send me pictures of your cases, either build off of this Instructable, or something you made yourself.
Package the TV B Gone in a Styrofoam cylinder (except around the button) and put it into the case and tape it in. This is just for extra protection.
You could also try attaching a piece of plastic in the front of the case instead of taping it shut, but I didn't have the patience for that.
You could make an actual button into the tubing to get rid of the hole, but I didn't really know where to start with that project.
Thanks for reading my first Instructable. Make sure you comment and rate it below and send me pictures of your cases, either build off of this Instructable, or something you made yourself.