Introduction: Taking Advantage of Bulk Burger Prices!
How many times have you seen ads in the paper for ridiculously low prices on bulk ground beef. Then you ask yourself what am I going to do with a 5, 10 or 15 pounds of ground meat? Ive seen people throw 5 lb bags of ground meat in the freezer. Which is fine as long as you remember to get it out 4 days before you are going to use it.
Ive found a better way, repackage it into smaller portions. I portion them into 1 quart zip lock bags then make them about one inch thick so they thaw out in no time.
You will need:
Several 1 Quart Zip Lock Bags
Kitchen Scale
Sharpie or Magic Marker
Ive found a better way, repackage it into smaller portions. I portion them into 1 quart zip lock bags then make them about one inch thick so they thaw out in no time.
You will need:
Several 1 Quart Zip Lock Bags
Kitchen Scale
Sharpie or Magic Marker
Step 1: Label Your Bags
I had a 6+ pound bag of bulk hamburger. So I labeled 5 bags 1lb. You can date them too if you want, mine doesn't usually last that long.
Step 2: Weigh the Meat
I then grabbed a wad of burger and put it in the bag and set it on the scale.
Step 3: Fine Tune the Weight
Then you add a little more, or take some away, until you reach 1 lb (or so)
Step 4: Pack and Flatten
Then pack and flatten the meat into the bag. This makes for easy thawing later. It also cuts down on freezer burn.
Step 5: Weigh the Last Bag and Put in Freezer
When you get to the last bag label it accordingly, I had 1.5 lbs left. Then your ready to pop them into the freezer.
So get out there and stock up your freezer with bargain basement meat. You will be glad you did.
So get out there and stock up your freezer with bargain basement meat. You will be glad you did.