Introduction: Tasty French Crèpes in 5 Minutes

I made French crèpes in 5 minutes total. Fast, easy and delicious.


Ingredients :

  • milk : 250 ml
  • flour : 125 g
  • egg : 1
  • sugar : 1 tbsp
  • vegetable oil : 25 g

Tools :

  • bowls
  • whisk
  • non stick frying pan
  • spatula
  • ladle or 1/2 cup

Step 1: Warm Up the Frying Pan and Mix Ingredients

Warm up the frying pan. I added butter in the pan because I was out of safflower oil.

Pour all the ingredients (milk + flour + egg + sugar) together in a bowl, except the oil. Mix well using the whisk. Then add the oil (I used grape seed oil because it gives a great texture but any vegetable oil is good) and mix again using the whisk. The texture should be liquid, without lumps.

Step 2: Cook the Crèpes

The frying pan is now hot.

Add a tiny bit of butter or safflower oil. Tilt the frying pan for the butter or oil to cover the surface.

Using the 1/2 cup or the ladle, pour some batter into the middle of the frying pan and tilt it to cover all of the surface. After 2 minutes, using the spatula, lift the perimeter of the crèpe all around and turn it.

Cook the other side for a minute.

No need to add butter or oil before cooking the other crèpes.

You should have 6/7 crèpes depending on the thickness of them.

Step 3: Enjoy !

Enjoy !