Introduction: Teacher's Subject Display Board

About: I love history, creativity, teaching and learning from others. I aim to try and make useful/practical things, and it makes me excited to see others enjoy them too!

A quick, step-by-step set of instructions on how I made my black corflu subject display board.
This board is my personal intellectual property, so please do NOT share this on any sites without my permission!

Thanks! 😊


  • 2 x corflu boards (light, sturdy, plastic material used for real estate signage. I used two 60cm x 90cm boards.)
  • 3 x old pencils (or crayons)
  • 3 x rolls of black book covering (the stuff you cover textbooks with.)
  • wide duct tape
  • 6 x plastic covers
  • clear tape
  • coloured paper (one colour per subject you wish to display)

Step 1: Tape the Boards Together With a Pencil Hinge

- Make sure both corflu boards are the same size.

- Lay them out, side by side on a table or flat surface.

- Place the three pencils in between them, spacing them evenly. Don't worry if the pencils aren't the same size, they're just a cheap/common circular item there to act as a hinge between the boards so they can fold and bend.

- Use duct tape over the middle to strengthen the join (and trap the pencils securely inside)!

Step 2: Cover the Boards

Now cover the boards and the hinge with the rolls of black contact. I needed 3 rolls to cover my boards completely.

- Keep a slight tension on the roll, and make sure that the contact stays as flat as possible.

- Overlap the layers of contact by at least an inch. I covered all the sides and didn't bother too much about the top edges (see photos above).

- Cut off any raggedy edges with a sharp craft knife. :)

When you're done, it should look like the top picture - completely black on all sides.

Step 3: Stick on Pockets

Now your board is complete, we'll stick on the clear pockets. I had 6 subjects, plus an extra subject on the bottom of the board which didn't require pockets, which I wanted to arrange in a semi-circular shape (see photo).

- Cut the hole-punched spine sections off the clear plastic sheets.

- Cut them to size (depending on the size of the papers you intend to put in there), and lay them out on the board.

- When you're pleased with the placement, stick them firmly down on the bottom and sides with clear tape.

Side Note:
A friend of mine used clear plastic sticker corners instead of full pockets. She bought them in bulk for about 70c/sheet, which works out about $5 per board, so they're pretty inexpensive.

Step 4: Creating the Subject Papers

As mentioned before, I had 6 subjects, so I used 6 colours of paper.

I pre-wrote each one by hand (because that really helps me absorb the material matter into my memory) and labelled each one on the back with their year and week for easy identification.

Then I filed them all in a folder by colour and then by quarter (Red Q1, Red Q2, etc).

(Originally, I stored them with other papers from class, but in the future I'd prefer to keep them in a separate folder, as my folder got overloaded and kept spilling the papers everywhere when I picked it up.)

And voila, you're done! All prepared!

Step 5: Notes & Alternate Methods/Versions:

(Pictured above is the centrepiece I drew for my board using sharpies.)


- Sometimes the light bounced off the clear pockets and I had to take the papers out so some of the students could see them properly.

- Using the pockets, I found I was able to store multiple weeks worth of subject work at once behind the current week. This was really helpful, as it made it easy and quick to change what was displayed on the board each week.

Idea 1: Laminating the pages was suggested to me, to make them studier and less prone to creases and tears. It was a fantastic idea, but I didn't end up doing it, as there were a lot of pages and it was too much work/time to laminate them all.
(It took me about 4-6 weeks to write out all the subject pages by hand using my spare minutes.)

Alternate Idea 2: Skipping the pocket step was also suggested, using bluetack to hold the papers instead. In that case, I would definitely suggest laminating the papers for durability (which means you still might have a light glare problem).

Alternate Idea 3: A friend suggested using these triangular corner pockets instead of the rectangular page pockets. I think it's a great idea as long as you plan out how it will work with the various different sized papers!

I hope you enjoyed this instructable and found it helpful!
Again, this is my IP, so please DON'T share this on other sites without my permission.

- LaetitiaC20