Introduction: Temperature Controlled Fan
Create a fan that can be controlled whenever it gets hot or cold enough. It’s great for when you have to work on a hot day and don’t want to get too overwhelmed by the temperature.
Temperature sensor
18 Wires
LCD sensor
Arduino UNO
32k ohm resistor
5V fan
6V battery case
18 Wires
LCD sensor
Arduino UNO
32k ohm resistor
5V fan
6V battery case
Step 1: Connect Wires to Arduino
Connect all of the components to the Arduino using the wiring diagram showed.
Step 2: Upload Code to Arduino
You can easily adjust the speed of the fan by changing the code in the sensor area. You can raise or lower the temperature that the fan activates at based on your environment.
You can easily adjust the speed of the fan by changing the code in the sensor area. You can raise or lower the temperature that the fan activates at based on your environment.
Step 3: Modifications
The project works right now and is ready for use, but if you would like to create a case for the circuit so that it doesn’t look as bare, the dimensions are
6.875x5.185x 6
6.875x5.185x 6