Introduction: Tennis Ball Stamp

Today I will show you how to make a tennis ball stamp for tennis balls. You can add custom names or sayings.


A 3d printer

3d design site (Tinker Cad is the easiest for this)

Tennis Balls

Paint (Any color)

Step 1: Go to Your Site

Go to Tinker Cad

Step 2: Find Curve Text

Find curved text

Step 3: Apply Settings

Apply these settings and add your text in where it say "Your text here"

Step 4: Turn Your Model

Turn the text so its facing parallel with the front side of the base plate

Step 5: Make a Circle

Make a circle (My circle is 3.5 by 3.5)

Step 6: Fit Circle

Fit circle around the text (you can always make the text thickness to be bigger)

Step 7: Trim

Trim your circle as close to the letters as possible

Step 8: Add Handle

Add a handle (My handle was 2.5 inches long and 0.5 inches wide

Step 9: Done

Done (Make sure to print with supports on)

Step 10: How to Use...

Apply paint to the letters

Put the ball on a flat surface with the stamp side up

Pull the edges apart with little pressure while moving the stamp (Down) towards the ball

Apply pressure to the stamp on all sides once the stamp is fully touching the ball

Wait 20 to 30 seconds

Pull the edges apart with little pressure while moving the stamp (Up) away from the ball

Let the ball dry for 5 to 10 mins
