Introduction: Tennis Limited
This is a game I thought of while playing tennis with my brother. It was a blast and we had lots of laughs.
Step 1: To Get Started...
To start, you make a list of all the different tennis shots you can think of (ex. forehand, backhand, serve, forehand and backhand volleys, etc.). Next, you and your opponent take turns choosing one shot from the list and then crossing that shot out so it won't be repeated. When all the shots have been chosen you can start playing.
Step 2: Playing
To play, you use regular tennis rules Except for now you can only use the shots that you picked. So let's say that it is your turn to serve but you didn't pick serve as one of your shots. You now have to make do with a forehand instead.
Step 3: Mix It Up
After each game you can have the winner trade one of their shots for one of the loser's or the other way around. You can have the loser give one of their shots to the winner and the person who runs out of shots first loses the match.