Introduction: The Cheapest Most Complete Body Scrub!
The most complete Body Scrub is a powerful selected combination of all the coffee natural scrubs that you can find on the market:,
After this research, why having a coffee body scrub with coconut but not green tea? or without honey but it has cinnamon?
In the market, brands show off about its coffee scrub with some special ingredient and this is what makes them different among others. Mine has green tea!, but mine has olive oil! and so on.
Then, why not to gather all these “exclusive” and unique ingredients and to make the most complete, super easy and incredibly cheap Body Scrub?
Explanation of the properties of ingredients is at the bottom of the instructable:)
- Dry ground coffee 115 gr
I have it from my coffee maker. If you don’t, you can get it free from any cafeteria or bar. Just ask for it politely and may take a coffee there, don’t be shy! they have a lot of 'spillage' :)
I prefer it dry in order not to get it fermented.
- Brown sugar 80 gr
Find it in the kitchen, better than the “white” one!
- Salt 35 gr
You may use pink salt from the Himalaya or sea salt if you want.
- Coconut oil 40 ml
Is has many many cosmetics uses, so don’t worry if you think you find a bigger size that you’ll use this time.
- Olive extra virgin oil 20 ml
Always in my kitchen in Spain!
- Green tea 1 teaspoon
You can take it from green tea bags or gunpowder. You make substitute it by other tea leaves you have if you don’t exactly have the green one. You can add more that one teaspoon, as you like.
- Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Among my favourite spices.
- Cocoa powder 1 teaspoon
Mine is at the kitchen to make hot amazing chocolate, jum jum!
- Honey 1 teaspoon
Again kitchen is your friend :)
- Ginger 1 tea teaspoon
Hidden in the kitchen!. I've used ground ginger for better homogeneous mix, but you can use and grind fresh ginger also making sure that reaches equally the mix.
- Vanilla 1 teaspoon
Kitchen again. I've used sweetened vanilla that is sugar with vanilla that I had in my kitchen.
- Container for the scrub
You can reuse one that contains canned food, don’t need to buy one.
- (OPTIONAL) Printer to make your own personalized label.
If you think this will be too big for you, just divide all the amounts of ingredients by the same number.
All ingredients as you can see can be found at home and if not, they are easy to find. If not, ask me in the comments :)
You can notice also that I spent absolutely NO money at the end to make the scrub;
kitchen is amazing isn’t it?
- Spatula
- Big bowl
- Kitchen scale (weigh and volume)
Step 1: Making Process: Add and Mix!
Gather all ingredients and take a bowl and a spatula to mix then. Pour first the ingredients with largest quantities and after the “spoon” ones with the oils (order here it's not so important). Don’t forget to have your container near you to pour the most complete Coffee Tea Scrub!
Step 2: Print Labels to Put the Icing on the Cake!
After, to put the icing on the cake, print you own custom label at this website and you’ll end having a real professional homemade looking scrub :D
If you want to have the same labels that I used then you can download the attached PDF :) but I encourage you to create your personal ones :D
Step 3: How to Apply the Scrub
- Best to scrub in the shower when skin is a little damp
- Take a few handfuls and scrub in circular motions into your skin concentrating on problem areas
- Let your skin absorb the oils for a few minutes (meanwhile you can soap yourself maybe) before rinsing off
Repeat when necessary; all bodies are different and therefore have different skin necessities.
Step 4: Explanation of the Usage of the Ingredients and Bibliography
- Ground coffee
Coffee grounds make the perfect exfoliator for your whole body, removing dead skin cells naturally and making way for new skin cells beneath.
If you are sensitive to drinking caffeine, you can rest assured you won't be wired from scrubbing your body with it.
Caffeine is also full of antioxidants which may help fight the signs of aging.
- Green tea
The antioxidants present in green tea are able to stimulate circulation, which brings additional resources and oxygen to the skin. Epigallocatechin gallate (compound found in green tea) is a powerful antioxidant that can seek out and neutralize free radicals, which cause oxidative stress and can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes.
- Coconut oil
It has Antimicrobial properties (helps with acné), Antioxidant and anti-aging properties, Vitamin E for smooth, younger-looking skin
- Olive extra virgin oil
The polyphenolic compounds found within olives are also found in olive oil, which can help to reduce oxidative stress in the body, the same type of chronic inflammation that can cause wrinkles and age spots. When these antioxidants seek out and neutralize free radicals, they can help you look and feel young, while also tightening the skin and increasing elasticity.
Olive oil is known as a great moisturizer, because it can penetrate deep into the skin, delivering important nutrients like vitamin E and A to the layers of skin cells that need it most.
It also has Antibacterial and sun protection properties.
- Brown sugar
The rough texture makes it ideal for eliminating dirt, grime, and dead skin cells from your body.
- Salt
Hydrates the skin, exfoliates the skin and clears the pores, eliminates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, clears out acne symptoms by disinfecting sebaceous glands…
- Cocoa powder
Epicatechin present in cacao aids in increasing the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin, stimulating the healthy flow of blood in the dermal (skin) tissues, and contributing to endogenous photo-protection.
- Honey 1 spoon
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant characteristics, which can reduce the appearance of age-related spots and wrinkles by reducing the impact of free radicals in the skin.
- Cinnamon
Similar properties to honey. You can use it in the form of power.
- Vanilla
The antibacterial nature of this beneficial flower makes it a powerful ally in the battle against pimples, as it can eliminate the underlying infection and speed up the healing process of the skin. It can even reduce the appearance of scars from a particularly bad bout of acne. Also, its pleasant and natural aroma will
- Ginger
Rubbing ginger delivers gingerol – the active ingredient in ginger. This powerful antioxidant is directly linked to the appearance of the skin and is known to help fade blemishes and age spots.
Bibliography of the properties of ingredients
Coffee ground
Green tea
Coconut oil
Olive extra virgin oil
Cinnamon and honey
Brown sugar
Cocoa powder
Step 5: Comparison With a REAL Market Coffee Scrub
I was used to use a market comercial brand coffee scrub (at the right of the image) but after using the most complete coffee tea scrub never more.
The main difference between both is the finish of the skin.
The most complete coffee tea scrub thanks to its oils proportion (market ones DO NOT say which proportion they use, so I guess it can be 3% or less...) leave skin profoundly moisturized, shinny, and smoothy, while the commercial brand does not at all. Then. I should use a moisturizing cream for my body. So the most complete scrub also has this moisturizing function that the market one does not have. And then it saves me money and time for using a body moisturizing cream! :D
Second difference is the smell;
You can detect on the most complete scrub the touch of coffee, sugar, cinnamon and cocoa after the application on the skin leaving a fine parfum smell (I used my father to do the smell test so you can trust him, he's not into the beauty world, promise) meanwhile, smelling the market brand scrub you can notice the smell of coffee, but not at all the touch of citrus or almond oil they promise it has :L .
Third difference is that I know which real ingredients are used, the proportion and its true origin with the Most complete Coffee Tea Scrub.
Again, knowing the products that you use and the true proportions used for it, is caring about your body and expanding the knowledge about the world. Building your ones invention, creams, scrubs even better than the market ones! or anything, make you conscious of the value daily life things have.
And know go and make anything better than the one already exists! :D