Introduction: The Hostel Life: Multimedia Travel Website

The Hostel Life is a multimedia website that shows our fans and audience the beauty about traveling through the eyes of a backpacker.   Have you ever wanted to walk away from it all and just throw on a backpack and set out on a journey? Well if you can't do that or you think it is impossible, then we at The Hostel Life want to show you how.   There are articles, photos, and an interactive show that takes you the viewers inside some of the most exotic places around the world.   We hope that we inspire you to take journey and discover something and more importantly yourself, even if its only for a week. 

The host and creator of the show, Mehdy Ghannad, has lived, studied, worked, and traveled to over 40 countries across six continents.   Mehdy along with his writers, has some amazing insights on travel,  as they wants to show off their mad love affair with world by meeting new friends and bringing our world much closer together.   

It's been a long journey for Mehdy thus far and by him following his dream, he hopes to inspire others to attain theirs.

The Hostel Life is more than just a multimedia website, it's a way of life.

DOB is September 23, 1977
Jack Daniel's Independence Project Contest

Participated in the
Jack Daniel's Independence Project Contest