Introduction: The Neverending Story Book-box

About: I'm Kozmic Blues! I'm always thinking and looking for new things to do. I also love Rock music and I usually mix both things to do my own accessories or clothes. I hope you'll enjoy my projects! I also have a…

Some months ago I found a book-box in a flea market at almost no cost. I thought it would be great to keep my bracelets and this kind of stuff inside. While I was cleaning it I realized the drawings on the cover were identical to the ones on Michaels Ende's book The Neverending Story! Since I was a child I'm a big fan of this book and it brings me some memories (but that's another history). So I decided to make my own version of this classic.


- Wood box

- White acrylic paint

- Gold Sharpie

- Printer

- Cutter

- Glass bubble

- Glue

- Varnish

Step 1: Pattern

First, I searched on the internet the original lettering. I resized it and I printed it. I cut the letters and I attached the pattern on the box with scotch. Then I painted the letters with white paint.

Step 2: Auryn

While the paint was drying up I prepared the Auryn. My first attempt was to make an Auryn with some white clay but I didn’t manage to reproduce the colours, so I decided to do it differently.

I printed a picture of the Auryn in the desired size. I glued the picture with Mod Podge on a glass bubble. Once it was dried I cut out the unnecessary paper.

Step 3: Gold Lettering

Once the white paint was dried I painted again the letters with a gold sharpie. When the gold part was dried I removed the stencil *veeeery* carefully. Of course the result wasn't perfect, so I removed the imperfections with a stick. Then I repainted some parts when necessary. Then I varnished the letters.

Finally, I glued the Auryn onto the box.

Step 4: Result

And now… I have a nice Neverending Story book-box to keep my “jewellery” safe. Yeah!