Introduction: The Nightmare Before Halloween Pumpkin
Tools Needed: Steak knife, paring knife, spoon, power drill with drill bits, pumpkin and gel pen
Step 1: Sketch the picture you want to carve on the pumpkin with a gel pen. When using a gel pen, you can erase as you go if you mess up, but it will be dark enough to see when you are carving
Step 2. Gut pumpkin by cutting a circle around the top of the pumpkin with a steak knife. Take the top off, Use a spoon to get out all of the insides and seeds. Spoon the side of the pumpkin inside until smooth.
Step 3. Use the paring knife to cut out the design on the outside of the pumpkin
Step 4. For the small holes, use a small power drill with the drill bits an drill the holes into the pumpkins, as many or as few as you want.
Step 5. Put a candle inside and ta da!