Introduction: The Tabletop Volcano
I have always loved backyard features that combine water and fire. Especially when the fire is on the water. The Tabletop Volcano is simple, functional and beautiful.
Simply bury a small Tiki Torch in a mound of stone, fill with water and light. It makes a great centerpiece that throws a gentle light, repels mosquitoes and will burn for hours.
Step 1: What You Will Need
The requirements for a Tabletop Volcano are simple.
- A ceramic pot
- One that first of all won't burn.
- Depth and diameter are determined by the stone you choose.
- Remember: small irregular stones stack better than large or round stones.
- The stones are a big part of the final look so take some time.
- You want to hide the Tiki torch so save a few of the smallest stones for tucking in around the wick
- If the pot you selected has a hole in the bottom you can plug it with putty.
- I recommend a waterproof A/B Epoxy to make a permanent plug. This stuff not only works wet, but will work underwater.
- If you are like me and cannot resist tweaking your projects, use plumbers putty. It makes a good seal and never hardens.
- Decorative stone
- Again you need to stack it to make the volcano, so choose carefully.
- A small Tiki touch.
- Depending on the stone and general shape of your volcano you may want to put the Tiki torch inside a small tub to keep water out.
- Tiki Fuel.
- Citronella & Cedar is a good choice to repel mosquitoes and smells nice.
- Smoke looks cool, but if you plan on sitting around the table you may want the low smoke variety.
- Citronella & Cedar is a good choice to repel mosquitoes and smells nice.
Step 2: Enjoy the Night!
Enjoy your Tabletop Volcano!
It's a great way to light up those small summer barbecues.
If you seek true insect repellent for your next party or gathering, however, you should employ a layers of protection approach. I like to ring the area with Tiki Torches beginning with a Tabletop Volcano and/or a fire pit in the center. The next ring can be insect repellent incense placed discreetly around the gathering places. Finally place some free standing Tiki Torches at a distance around the area and/or near locations for more intimate gatherings of couples or small groups. This way all but your most delicious guests can get away with skipping the body sprays.