Introduction: The Last Spike
Step 1: Materials
You will need the following:
- Railroad spike
- Gold spraypaint
- Clear coat spraypaint
- Bench grinder (optional but highley recomended)
- Circular file
- Flat file
- A scotch brite pad (or any scrubbing sponge)
- Table vice
- Sand paper
Step 2: Getting a Spike
This is easer than it may seem i went down to a park where i live that has railways going through it i walked on the tracks (i know sounds stupid but its all in the name of D.I.Y but please do not do this without adult super vision if you are young and also i take no responsiblity for any injury that may come to you this is just a guide) so anyways i walked on the tracks for less than a minute and found more than twenty to choose from.
Step 3: Grinding
Step 4: Roughing
This is very easy but almost painfull in the sense that you took hours grinding the spike smooth and shiny and now you have to go over it with sand paper and rough it it for the paint to stick.
Step 5: Painting
This will take a lot of time if you want it to look nice firstly wash and dry the spike then apply a thin coat of gold spray paint then wait 24 hours (i said it would take a long time ) then get a scotch brite pad (or any scrubbing sponge) and sand the paint job very lightly now apply another coat of spray paint and wait another 24 hours and sand again repeat untill you get the desired finish (but do not sand your last coat very important) then get some clear spraypaint and add a protective clear coat to the whole spike.