Introduction: The Swing Ride
Welcome everybody.
In this instructable I will show you how to construct a portable and lightweight swing.
By following the steps your swing should be fixed in a reasonable amount of time, and it definitely will be worthy.
Step 1: Materials / Equipment / Machinery (optional)
Ok, first things first, you will need some materials and equipment to finish the job flawlessly.
- a cordless drill
- some twist drills ( preferably 6 mm or 8 mm)
- a few clamps or just something heavy (to put pressure on the swing while gluing it together.)
- 6 screws ( I used 3 mm x 35 mm ones but any slightly lager screws will do the job as well)
- the attendant drill chuck or just a suitable screw driver
- a ruler
- a pencil
- a decent piece of sandpaper
- waterproof wood glue
- safety goggles
- 1 m² triplex thickness 4 mm
- 30 cm² MDF thickness 12 mm
- 10 m cord ( preferably 6 mm or 8 mm)
- a robust block (used for adjusting the height, I used polythene because it's robust and light)
Machinery (optional but it will be handy):
- a sanding machine
- a jigsaw (to cut out the circles)
Step 2: Cut Out the Circles
Cut out the circles shown in the picture above. Remember, if you do not own a pair of compasses you can always use a cord as your radius.
Step 3: Drill Holes
Drill holes the size of your cord trough the middle of the 3 biggest triplex plates and trough the MDF circles.
Give it a try and see if the cord fits trough the holes, adjust the holes if needed. The cord should go smooth through these holes.
Step 4: Hollow Out 1 MDF Piece
Hollow out 1 MDF piece in the direction of the radius. The cavity should be just enough so the cord fits in perfectly.
In the picture above you can see the purpose of this step.
Step 5: Glue All the Pieces Togheter
Glue all the circles of wood together, starting with the 3 biggest triplex plates, followed by the 3 MDF plates (put the one you just hollowed out as third/last), then glue this to the two last triplex plates.
Make sure you keep all the circles centered, do this by putting a cilinder trough the wholes. ( no wood or it will stick to the rest). Put some pressure on it and let it rest until the glue is dried (check the bottle of glue for the estimated dry time).
Step 6: Screw in the Screws
Once the glue is dried screw in 3 screws at the top of the swing and 3 at the bottom for extra durability.
Step 7: Construct Your Height Adjustment Block
Construct a block that is at least 12 by 6,5 by 3 cm. Once you've got the right rectangle, drill out 6 holes similar to the picture above. Test if the rope fits trough those holes.
Tip: if you find it hard to put the rope trough those holes, try using a lighter to harden out the point of the rope.
Step 8: Almost Ready !
First of all, stick the rope trough the swing and knot a knot so the swing is secured as you can see in the first picture.
Now put the rope trough your rectangle as shown in the second and third picture above. Move the rectangle until it is hanging about 1 meter above the swing.
Now you should drill out a gap at the edge of the upper plate. (fourth picture)
Once you've done that, start coiling up the rope around the middle part of the swing. We are still facing one problem, isn't it ? Yes, that's right, we can't coil up the rectangle. This problem will be fixed in the last step.
Step 9: Final Adjustment !
As the rectangle can't be coiled up we will place it on the bottom of the swing by drilling out two holes at the right place. Coil up the rope and see where these holes should be placed. Once you have managed that your personal swing ride should now be ready to ride !
Step 10: Comfort
When the swing is in place and the height is adjusted you should use the spare piece of rope to construct a simple but comforting hand grip as you could see in the steps above.
Thank you for reading/constructing !