Introduction: Tic Tac Toe ( 3 in a Row )

About: Music: my profession for over 40 years... Electronics: my beloved hobby always.

This project is an electronic recreation of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe pencil & paper 2 player game. The heart of the circuit is Microchip´s PIC 16F627A microcontroller. I have included download link for a PC board PDF and also the HEX code for the chip burning. You will also find the assembly source code there. In a future Instructable, I will propose a"good looking"enclosure with large back-lit buttons.

Step 1: Quick Tour Video

Step 2: Device Views

Step 3: Circuit Diagram

Project is built around the PIC16F627A microcontroller from Microchip, an 18-pin microcontroller.

Step 4: Circuit Operation Details

Step 5: Basic Flowchart

Step 6: PC Board & HEX Code Download Link

Step 7: Components List

I recommend the use of an 18-pin DIL socket for the MCU.

Step 8: LEDs & Switches

Step 9: Breadboard Time

I used a wire to emulate the 9 switches.

Step 10: PART 2 Video