Introduction: Tinkercad Math - Place Value to the Thousandths

About: I am a Library Media Specialist at a K-5 elementary school in SW Missouri. I am passionate about providing my students learning experiences that integrate literature and STEAM disciplines.

This lesson is designed to allow grade 5 students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of place value to the thousandths to create a three-dimensional object. Students will learn the X, Y, and Z axes of a 3D grid using the Tinkercad app for designing 3D objects. As students begin to apply the correct number values to each axis, they will recognize that the model being created is a house.


5.NBT.A.1 and 5.NBT.A.2 Read, write, and identify numbers from billions to thousandths using number names, base ten numerals and expanded form AND Compare two numbers from billions to thousandths using the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the solution.

ISTE 1. Empowered Learner 1.d. Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

ISTE 6. Creative Communicator 6.b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

Behavioral Objective

Given a set of written instructions that include number values in text form, students will demonstrate their understanding of the X, Y, and Z axes by correctly identifying and applying the number value assigned to each axis with 100% accuracy.

Subject Integration

Language Arts: In this lesson, students will read a set of written instructions and apply those instructions to accurately build their 3D models using

Math: Students will demonstrate their understanding of place value to the thousandths, as well as their knowledge of the X, Y, and Z axes of a 3D model.

Technology: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Computer-Aided Design app, Tinkercad.

Arts: After accurately completing the 3D model, students will have the opportunity to modify and add custom designs to their 3D models.


Small Dry Erase Boards (one for each student)

Dry Erase Marker

Google Slides Presentation

Devices to access (1:1)

3D Printer (optional)

Step 1: Review/ Warm Up

Project the Google Slides Presentation

The first few slides are provided as a review of place value to the right of the decimal.

Students should then follow the prompts on slides 5 - 15 by writing the correct answers on their dry erase boards. Students can display their answers in a Showdown style (hold board with their answers faced away from teacher, and then turn to show teacher their answers at the same time).

Step 2: Tinkercad

Students should log into their Tinkercad accounts and select "Create new design". Display slide 17 with the written instructions for model creation. Ask students to follow each step written on the slide taking care to input the correct number values for each coordinate. Students will begin to recognize that the model that they are creating resembles a house.

Step 3: *Optional - 3D Printing Models

Once students have inputted all coordinates correctly, they may add custom designs to their models. Students may choose to add windows, doors, chimneys, etc. to customize their houses.

If a 3D printer is available, you may choose to print each model.

Step 4:

Teacher Contest

Participated in the
Teacher Contest