Introduction: Tinkercad Skateboard
I chose to make a small skateboard on Tinkercad that can actually move around, this was inspired by the tech decks I grew up playing with as a kid.
3D rendering software
Step 1: Making the Board.
Open Tinkercad, and make an account, if you don't already have one.
Place a box in the center of the grid system. Make sure it is a solid box, change the color to whichever color you desire your skateboard to be.
Click on the square, and make the width of the skateboard 15. The length should be 40, and the height should be 4 as skateboards tend to be rather thin.
After that place two cylinders on the grid. Shrink the cylinder to be 15 wide, and 15 long, with a height of 4. Place the circle, so that it intersects with the skateboard on each side.
Next, tilt the circle upwards to about 22.5 degrees. Repeat this for the other side of the skateboard.
Next, highlight the area around the object and select the group button that is found in the upper right hand.
Step 2: Smoothing Out the Bottom of the Skateboard
The second step involves placing a cylinder on the grid system. This Cylinder should be a hole, and not a solid.
Lengthen the cylinder hole to be wider, and longer than your skateboard with a height of five.
Next switch to a right or left view of the skateboard. Click on the cylinder hole, and drop it below the skateboard, so that it intersects with the part of the circle that sticks out beneath the skateboard.
After that highlight the whole area and group it. Now the bottom of your skateboard should be even and smooth.
Step 3: Checking for Smoothness
Check the bottom of the board to make sure it is even.
Step 4: Designing Your Skateboard
Next comes the fun part picking how to design and decorate your skateboard.
For this, I chose to simply use text that says Tinkercad. However, you could put stars, designs, or your own text on the skateboard.
To insert text on your skateboard, click the button that says test and place it on your grid.
Click on the box, and type the text you wish to appear on your skateboard. Shrink it down an appropriate size, my text was shrunk down to a length of 20, and a width of 10, I made the height of the skateboard a 5.
The next step in the process is to align the design where you want it on the skateboard, I chose to put it on top of the skateboard, and slightly off-center. Next lower the text, so that it intersects with the skateboard, but the text is still raised slightly. This will allow for the 3D printer to print the text on the skateboard.
Step 5: Designing the Axle Mounts.
If you want a functioning skateboard, you will need a way for the axles to stay independent, so that they can rotate freely.
I chose to use a simple tube to put the axle through.
For this place a cylinder on the grid. The cylinder should be 15 tall, 5 wide, and 5 in length. Rotate the axle, so that it fits along the skateboard in the proper spot. Before you attach it you will need to place a hole through it.
Place another cylinder on the grid, make sure that it is a hole. Make it, so that it is 15 tall, 2.5 wide and 3 in length. Place this in the center of the cylinder.
Then using your cursor highlight the whole thing and group it. Repeat this process for the second axle mount.
Step 6: Mounting the Axle Mounts.
Next take the axle mounts, and place them along the skateboard, place the first one, and place the second one 15 units away from it. Once this has been achieved, use your cursor to highlight the whole skateboard, and group the entire thing.
Step 7: Making the Wheels.
To make the wheels place a cylinder on the grid.
Click on the cylinder and turn the bevelment level to 2.5.
Next make the height and length of the wheel 5. You can make the wheels thinner at a width of 2.5
Now you will need a way to attach the wheels to an axle. Take another cylinder, and make it a 3 by 3 with a width of 2. Now place that within the beveled cylinder.
Highlight the entire section and group the section.
Repeat this step to get the remaining wheels needed.
Step 8: Checking Evenness in Wheels.
Compare the wheels and make sure that they are all the same size.
Step 9: Aligning the Wheels.
Place two of the wheels in the same area. Highlight the area around the two wheels, and click the alignment button up in the right corner.
Do the same thing for the other set of wheels, and then do not touch them.
Step 10: Making and Attaching the Axle
Now onto making the axle. Place a Cylinder on the grid. Make the cylinder 22 in length, and 3 in height & width. Orient that axle between the wheels, so that the axle lines up with the hollow part inside of the wheels. Once this is achieved, highlight the whole area and align it to make sure that it works properly, re-highlight the area and group the items together.
Do this for the second set of wheels to create two independent axles.
Step 11: Mounting the Axle.
Now that you have finished building the axle it is time to place them in the mount.
To do this move the axle above the mount and lower it through, so that it goes into the hole on the mount.
Highlight the area and group it
Repeat this step for the second axle.