Introduction: Toilet Paper Butter Candle

About: I'm a just a kid who loves to create.

Need a candle but don't have one available? Not to worry, using everyday products in your home you can create your own. Just grab a stick of butter and some toilet paper. Handy, right?

Read on to learn how to transform these common items into a real burning candle that will burn over a half an hour.

Items Needed:

  • Stick of butter
  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpick
  • Knife
  • Scissors
  • Lighter or matches

Step 1: Cut Butter

Using the knife, cut the butter to a length of to 5 TBSP.

Step 2: Create Hole for Wick

After cutting the butter, grab the toothpick and poke a hole in the center of the butter (as pictured.)

Tip: Wiggle the toothpick in the butter to create a larger hole for your soon to be built wick.

Step 3: Making the Wick

Now, it's time to prepare the wick.

  1. Grab a square of toilet paper and tear a rectangle piece for the wick (see above.)
  2. Next, tightly roll the toilet paper around the toothpick.

Step 4: Insert Wick

Inserting the wick:

  1. Push the toilet paper wick into the hole.
  2. Remove the toothpick from the hole, ensuring that the toilet paper stays in place.
  3. Use scissors to cut away excess toilet paper.

Step 5: Finishing It Up

We're almost done; follow these steps to finish the candle:

  1. Carefully twist the top of the toilet paper to form a more compact wick.
  2. Next, roll the wick gently on the surface of the butter to lightly saturate it.

Step 6: Light It!

Light your new butter candle and enjoy!

Now you know how to create a quick candle for any situation.

Note: It may take 1 or 2 attempts to light the candle.

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