Introduction: Toilet Paper Seedling Pots - Ultimate Recycle
It's time to start thinking about the garden and momma has done a great job of saving the paper towel tubes for our recycle project.
The end of February is my least favorite time of year, deer season is a distant memory and spring plowing is just wishful thinking. So, my little helper and I decided to get a head start on our seedling cups this cold, wet weekend. With a 5 year old in the house any project is better than nothing but momma gave me that look when I carried a large bag of potting mix in the front door. Don't worry honey, it's just dirt.....
Here are a few pictures of our ultimate seedling cup recycle. The tp rolls get cut in half and the paper towel tubes get cut into 5ths. The tubes are then stood up and newspaper is stuffed into the ends to create a base. One sheet of newspaper ripped into 8ths is about perfect. Wad up the newspaper and stuff tightly into the end. Once the cups are in the tray they can be filled with potting mix. Is it really considered child labor if they enjoy the work?
Visit Food Plot Survival on Facebook for how to projects and self sustaining articles.
Now please excuse me, I have to go vacuum...
The end of February is my least favorite time of year, deer season is a distant memory and spring plowing is just wishful thinking. So, my little helper and I decided to get a head start on our seedling cups this cold, wet weekend. With a 5 year old in the house any project is better than nothing but momma gave me that look when I carried a large bag of potting mix in the front door. Don't worry honey, it's just dirt.....
Here are a few pictures of our ultimate seedling cup recycle. The tp rolls get cut in half and the paper towel tubes get cut into 5ths. The tubes are then stood up and newspaper is stuffed into the ends to create a base. One sheet of newspaper ripped into 8ths is about perfect. Wad up the newspaper and stuff tightly into the end. Once the cups are in the tray they can be filled with potting mix. Is it really considered child labor if they enjoy the work?
Visit Food Plot Survival on Facebook for how to projects and self sustaining articles.
Now please excuse me, I have to go vacuum...