Introduction: Tomato Tartlets

About: My name is Katarina aka Simply Katarina as I am known on YouTube. I love sharing my love for DIYs with other people by filming it and sharing it to a community who loves DIYs as much as me.
These yummy tartlets are my all time favourite lunch/ snack. I hadn't made this for around over 2 years and a few days ago I thought about them randomly so I decided to make them and share this delicious recipe with you. These are best eaten cold or hot it doesn't really matter! Anyway I hope you enjoy these treats as much as I do

Step 1: Preheat Oven

Preheat the oven to gas mark 6

Step 2: Puffy Pastry

Roll out puff pastry thinly into squares and place onto a baking tray

Step 3: Pesto

Cover thinly with roasted pepper pesto on the top of the pastry but make sure you to leave 2cm from the edge

Step 4: Tomato

Sprinkle half cut tomatoes on top

Step 5: Cook

Place into the oven for 15 minutes

Step 6: Feta Cheese

Once out of the oven sprinkle feta cheese on top

Step 7: Cook

Place into the oven for 5 minutes

Step 8: Enjoy

Now you can enjoy. It is ready to eat whenever you're ready I like eating it when it's hot but on the other hand my mum likes eating it when it's cold so whatever floats your boat! I hope you enjoy!