Introduction: Toothpaste Oreo Prank

These toothpaste Oreos always trick your victim. But make sure you serve them in a kitchen where throw up isn't much of an issue!!!:):):) Thank you and please Vote!

Step 1: Step 1

All you will need to pull off this prank is Oreos (small or large) and white toothpaste.

Step 2: Step 2

Get some Oreos eat the icing but keep the cookie part.

Step 3: Step 3

Get your toothpaste and squirt some on each cookie. Then place another cookie on for the lid and you got you toothpaste Oreos. For best results let your cookie surprise sit out for a half an hour or so to let the toothpaste harden up a little. Have fun pranking. And check out my other pranks!!! Thx