Introduction: Tracking System
This system uses a gps and gsm system to recieve co-ordinates and send them as a text on your phone. The gps recieves the co-ordinates and gsm sends them as a message on your phone.
Place a sim in the gsm module on which you will send the message like "Track" and the module will send back the location.
Step 1: Parts Required
You can use any aduino. Also modules for gsm and gps are avalable. The components I have used :
1. Arduino UNO
2. Gps module GY-NEO6MV2
3. Gsm module SIM900A
Step 2: Connections
Connect the gps Rx and Tx pin of GPS module to pin 3 and 4 of arduino respectively.
I have used 0 and 1 pin for GSM.
Supply Vcc and Gnd to both the modules.
Step 3: Code
Replace your phone number in the code and hit upload.
Step 4: Test
You can receive the co-ordinates by texting "Track" to
the sim you have used in the gsm module. You can change the keyword in the code as required.
The received location is a link to Google maps. copy that link and paste it in your chrome or any browser and you can view the systems location. Due to some reason the is not directly opening in google maps app, so you will need to copy and paste the link.