Introduction: Transformar Una Estantería En Una TARDIS.
Transformas una estantería en una TARDIS. Transform a bookcase in a TARDIS. Como transformar una aburrida estantería en una molona TARDIS con restos de tablas y un par de puertas cogidas de la basura. How to transform a boring shelf in a cool TARDIS with remains of tables and a couple of garbage picked gates.
Step 1: La Estantería Antes De La Transformación.
La estantería antes de la transformación. The shelf before the transformation. Asegurarse de que las puertas cubren toda la estantería.
Make sure that the doors cover entire shelving.
Make sure that the doors cover entire shelving.
Step 2: Las Puertas, the Doors
Colocar en la parte inferior una tabla para separar del suelo y que no roce demasiado luego.
Place a table at the bottom to separate soil and which does not rub too then.
Poner un par de bisagras en los laterales.
Put a pair of hinges on the sides.
Fabricar un fijo en la parte superior donde irán los carteles de “Police Public Call Box”.
Fabricate a fixed in the upper part where Iran posters of "Police Public Call Box".
Place a table at the bottom to separate soil and which does not rub too then.
Poner un par de bisagras en los laterales.
Put a pair of hinges on the sides.
Fabricar un fijo en la parte superior donde irán los carteles de “Police Public Call Box”.
Fabricate a fixed in the upper part where Iran posters of "Police Public Call Box".
Step 3: Tejado, Roof
Fabricad un tejado a 3 aguas y dejad una pequeña zona plana en la punta para poner una lamparita. Recordar medir el tejado y sacar la medida de la altura que queráis darle según la pendiente con Tg2=sen2+cos2 yo di unos 10 cm de altura, es posible darle más según luego tengáis de altura al techo de la habitación y la lamparita de remate que queráis poner.
Made a roof to 3 water and leave a small area flat tip to put a Nightlight. Remember measure the roof and take the measure of the height you want to give according to the slope with Tg2 = sen2 + cos2 I tell about 10 cm in height, it is possible to give more as then you have high to the ceiling of the room and the lamp of auction you want to put.
Made a roof to 3 water and leave a small area flat tip to put a Nightlight. Remember measure the roof and take the measure of the height you want to give according to the slope with Tg2 = sen2 + cos2 I tell about 10 cm in height, it is possible to give more as then you have high to the ceiling of the room and the lamp of auction you want to put.
Step 4: Las Molduras
Hacer los relieves con unas molduras de maderas y restos de maderitas que tengáis en casa o que podáis coger de la basura o comprarlas, no son muy caras, solo cuidado a la hora de medir cuántas necesitareis parecerán pocas pero son muchas molduritas. Pegarlas con montador para madera rápido, es lo más cómodo. Separar un par de esquineros para la puerta con las que tapar las bisagras. (Cuidado, al hacer esto tened en cuenta el movimiento de apertura de la puerta, no apuréis demasiado al taparlas.)
The reliefs with a moldings of wood and traces of pieces of wood have in house or you can take the trash to do or buy them, are not very expensive, few seem only care when measuring how many you will need, but they are many more. Attach them with quick editor for wood, is more comfortable. Separate a couple of corners for door to cover the hinges. (Care, doing this keep in mind the movement of the door, not you too risk to cover them.)
Sacar un par de relieves con maderas más gruesas para los carteles de “Police Public Call Box”. Yo tuve que unir un par de ellas para hacerlas. Estas podréis clavarlas o pegarlas según el grosor.
Get a couple of reliefs with thicker wood for "Police Public Call Box" posters. I had to join a couple of them to make them. They can nail them or glue them according to the thickness.
The reliefs with a moldings of wood and traces of pieces of wood have in house or you can take the trash to do or buy them, are not very expensive, few seem only care when measuring how many you will need, but they are many more. Attach them with quick editor for wood, is more comfortable. Separate a couple of corners for door to cover the hinges. (Care, doing this keep in mind the movement of the door, not you too risk to cover them.)
Sacar un par de relieves con maderas más gruesas para los carteles de “Police Public Call Box”. Yo tuve que unir un par de ellas para hacerlas. Estas podréis clavarlas o pegarlas según el grosor.
Get a couple of reliefs with thicker wood for "Police Public Call Box" posters. I had to join a couple of them to make them. They can nail them or glue them according to the thickness.
Step 5: Paint
Pintar todas las partes azules primero a brocha siempre de arriba hacia abajo y luego usad de rodillo para terminar las siguientes capas yo di 3 más o menos diluidas, de manera que aparente la textura de madera viva.
All blue parts first to paint brush always from top to bottom and then use roller to complete the following layers I gave 3 more or less diluted, so apparent the texture of living wood.
Luego pintad los carteles de relieve de “Police Public Call Box” en negro y los interiores de las ventanitas de blanco.
Then paint cartels "Police Public Call Box" embossed in black and the interiors of the white Windows.
All blue parts first to paint brush always from top to bottom and then use roller to complete the following layers I gave 3 more or less diluted, so apparent the texture of living wood.
Luego pintad los carteles de relieve de “Police Public Call Box” en negro y los interiores de las ventanitas de blanco.
Then paint cartels "Police Public Call Box" embossed in black and the interiors of the white Windows.
Step 6: Finish
Terminar imprimiendo los carteles y plastificándolos si podéis, o poniendo forro de libros transparente para preservarlos. El de “Police Public Call Box” podéis imprimirlo en 2 partes para que sea más grande, sacad 2 y tendréis las 4 partes necesarias. Pegarlas y listo
Finished printing posters and plasticizing them if you can, or putting books backing it transparent to preserve them. The "Police Public Call box" can print it in 2 parts to make it larger, draw 2 and will have 4 parts needed. Paste them and finish
Finished printing posters and plasticizing them if you can, or putting books backing it transparent to preserve them. The "Police Public Call box" can print it in 2 parts to make it larger, draw 2 and will have 4 parts needed. Paste them and finish