Introduction: Turkey Sandwich Recipe

This is one of my favorite sandwich recipes. It's very simple, but it's really delicious, and easy to make. I always make this sandwich when I need to pack a lunch to go somewhere, because it's really quick to make and easy to transport. These instructions should teach you how to make a delicious turkey sandwich that you can take anywhere.

Step 1: Tools + Ingredients


  • Toaster
  • Knife
  • Cutting board


  • One plain bagel or everything bagel
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Turkey

Step 2: Cut & Toast the Bagel

Cut the bagel into two parts; the top and bottom pieces of the sandwich. Then, toast until it's toasted enough for you.

Step 3: Cut the Tomatoes

While the bagel is toasting, cut the tomatoes into halves.

Step 4: Assemble

Once the bagel is toasted enough, assemble your sandwich by putting the turkey and tomatoes into the bagel.

Sandwich Challenge 2020

Participated in the
Sandwich Challenge 2020