Introduction: Turkish Delight (Lokum) Recipe

About: Engineer
How to make this simple addictive confectionary as featured in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Step 1: Ingredients and Equipment

the recipe was found on, further recipes and variants can be found with Google.

Ingredients (refer to the picture):
  • 4 cups white sugar ($1.50/kg)
  • 1 litre water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 cup cornflour ($2/kg)
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1.5 tablespoons rosewater ($1/50mL)
  • red food colouring ($1/50mL)
  • 1 cup icing sugar

  • 2 pans
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoons
  • cake pan (square preferrable)
  • knife
  • stiring spoons

Step 2: Dissolve Sugar Into Water

Add 1.5 cups of water to a pan and dissolve all of the sugar over low heat. If the liquid starts boiling lower the heat. Add the lemon juice to the dissolved sugar

Step 3: Mix Cornflour Into Water

Mix cornflour and cream of tartar into remaining water to make a smooth viscous liquid. Heat the liquid until it comes to a boil and thickens.

Step 4: Combine Sugar and Cornflour Solution

Mix the sugar and cornflour solution and add the cream of tartar, whisk till it forms a paste. It should go slightly milky in color.

Add the rose water and food coloring.

Step 5: Pour Syrup Into Shallow Dish

Line a shallow dish (approximately 30mm) with aluminium foil; this will make it easy to remove.

Pour the Turkish delight mix into the dish and refrigerate it overnight.

Step 6: Cut Into Squares

Remove the Turkish delight from the dish, peel the foil away from the sides.

Cut the Turkish delight into approximately 30mm squares.

Step 7: Coat With Icing Sugar

Finally, coat the squares in icing sugar. This stops them from sticking and looks nice.