Introduction: Turn an Old Magazine Into Artwork Easily!
Hello again! This is Craft Maker Infinity doing another collaboration with JM1999! In this instructable, JM1999 will be sharing some ideas for how to make cool artwork out of your old magazines, and Legos, easily!
Step 1: Let's Make Art!
What you will need is:
1: A square of cardboard.
2: A piece of standard printer paper with either an outline printed on it, or an outline drawn on it.
3: Scissors.
4: A razor-blade or a pocket knife.
5: Something to hold the paper to the cardboard, like clothespins, paperclips, or a Bulldog clip like shown in image 3.
6: Craft Glue (Or super glue works OK).
7: And obviously some useless magazines!
You can do this with all sorts of magazines and if you want it black and
white - go for it! You can also use any picture you want so don't be shy and start making!
Step 2: And You're Done!
JM1999 and Craft Maker Infinity; Thank you for reading this instructable! We hope you enjoyed it, and/or found it useful! :D
Keep creating!
-CMI and JM1999