Introduction: Turn a Cardboard Box Into a Kid's Stove

About: I am a DIY enthusiast and first time mom living in Los Angeles who really just loves making and baking things for my family on a budget.

By simply using a cardboard box, cardboard paper, cheap white spray paint, black and silver glitter card stock paper, a silver hologram party hat, a laundry soap bottle cap, a glue gun, and a few items I had on hand, I created a play stove for my 18 month old.

Step 1: Creating the Body of the Stove

I used a cardboard box to create the body of the stove. An extra piece of cardboard was glued to the back of the box, using a hot glue gun, to add the stove part where the knobs would go.

Once these two pieces were glued and secure, I used a box cutter to cut in the center of the box to create the oven door. Only cut 3 sides (top, right and left) so it can open and close, just like a real oven door. To paint the box, I used cheap white spray paint.

Wait for it to fully dry, before you continue.

Step 2: Creating the Parts of the Stove

To create the burners and knobs of the stove, I simply cut out circles in various sizes. To make it look like real metal, I used silver glitter card stock paper I had on hand. If you do not have silver glitter paper, you can always cover your circles with aluminum foil.

Step 3: Creating Little Details for the Stove

To create the oven knob, I used the cap of a laundry detergent bottle. And for a little more effect, I cut out a left over silver hologram party hat and added it to cap.

For the oven door handle, I went to my daughter room and grab a foam building block, spray painted and glued it on. However, almost anything can be used.

To glue all these items and details, I used a hot glue gun or E6000 glue.

Step 4: How to Keep the Oven Door Closed

In order to be able to keep the oven door closed when not in used, I simply added to small magnets on each side. It worked perfectly. It is now a fully functional oven door.

Step 5: Last But Not Least

The last few finishing touches I added were a few hooks, I found in my junk drawer. I also made a chalkboard, using an old picture frame and chalkboard spray paint.

Step 6: Done

In total, I spent less than $5. We have had for a few months now and it is still going strong. Best of all it is recyclable!

Crafting 101

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Crafting 101

Reuse Contest

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Reuse Contest