Introduction: Tutorial How to 4-Digit Display Interface With Arduino UNO
This tutorial is going to teach you some basics on using 4- Digit Display with Arduino UNO
Step 1: Introduction
A 4-digit 7-segment LED display has 12 pins. 8 of the pins are for the 8 LEDs on a 7 segment display, which includes A-G and DP (decimal point). The other 4 pins represent each of the 4 digits from D1-D4.
1. Driver IC: TM1637
2. Size: 30mm x 14mm
3. Display Color: Red
4. Connection to an Arduino UNO:
- VCC to Arduino 5v
- GND to Arduino GND
- CLK to Arduino digital pin, your choice
- DIO to Arduino digital pin, your choice
Step 2: Pin Definition
Step 3: Hardware Installation
Step 4: Sample Source Code
To get the result, please download the sample source code attached below.
Step 5: Upload Source Code
Open the source code TM1367Test. Make sure com of arduino UNO and com port is same and please sellect the board is Arduino UNO.
Click upload.