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Climate Change - Atlantic Ocean blamed for flooded summer season>> Northern Europe picks on the Atlantic Ocean because of its wet summer according to a new study. The rising and falling of ocean temperature or the so called cyclical deception is seen as a major extortion on the weather. The said pattern reported will last long as the Atlantic warming persists. The research was carried out at the University of Reading and is published in the journal Nature Geoscience. The cycle of scheme investigated was known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. This change sees the waters warm or cool over a period of several decades. The researchers compared three periods in this cycle: a warm state from 1931-60, a cool period from 1961-90 and the most recent warm period starting in 1990 and continuing now. The paper notes that conditions in the last warm period in the Atlantic are broadly similar to those pragmatic now. One conclusion is that a warmer-than-usual Atlantic “favors a mild spring (especially April), summer and autumn, in England and across Europe.”

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia Org on Environmental Issues>> Environmental monitoring details the activities and procedures involved in ascertaining the condition of a particular environment. This, in turn, will be used in preparing or supporting environmental impact evaluations, where potential detrimental effects of human activities on nature will be calculated. The conclusions drawn from the monitoring programs are reviewed and analyzed before publishing.

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