Introduction: Twisted Ham and Cheese Melt

About: I think my interests tell a lot about me, I'm a multimedia artist which means I work in whatever medium grabs my attention, paint on canvas is very relaxing and acrylic paint can be mixed with paper to make a …
What are you doing? Making lunch. No you have the camera, you're making another "INSTRUCTABLE" aren't you ! Yep...guilty = )

 This ham and cheese melt is pretty simple but it does have some unusual twists

Step 1: From the Refrigerator

I had about a pound chunk of ham I needed to use up so I used a box grater and grated it up to use in mac and cheese but I still had some left over so.

 1/4lb? of grated baked ham
 shredded/grated cheddar cheese
 salsa ( I used my home made )
 Tortillas , I like the flour ones but its YOUR sandwich, use what you like

  Toaster oven or conventional oven

Step 2: The Build

Lay out a tortilla and spread on some salsa, how much of course depends on your tastes.
lay down a bed of cheese or ham  and then ham or cheese
 Hopefully you didn't put to much stuff on the tortilla because now you have to roll it up

Step 3: Cook It Up

it's called a melt because..well.. the cheese is MELTED !  You could use a paninni press, a george foreman type of sandwich grill, a frying pan or a conventional oven. I'm using a convection toaster oven I found set on 350f for about 10 minutes

Step 4: Time to Eat

I had some potato salad left over from a recent family gathering, this one used boiled potatoes but here's an easier version  of course baked beans or potato chips would work just as well as a side or no side at all. Cut the rollups or not as you see fit, I just thought it would make a better picture