About: well.....i tinker around with just about anything once the creative juice start flowing

well first off i needed a phone charger for my phone,

 im very sorry that some of the pics are not very clear i took them with my camera phone and in a low lighted area


Step 1: Materials Needed

first what you will need is a
Cell Phone Wall Charger any kind will do (mine was already cut off, see pic below)
USB Cord
electrical tape
USB Power Source (ie computer usb port or usb charger)

Step 2: Fabrication

first cut the usb cord and cut back the insulation to expose the wires. there should be a red,black,green and white.  what we need to do is cut the green and white back because we wont be needing those two wires but leave the red and black wires exposed 

next strip the insulation from the red and black wires

to prepare the cell phone charger, do the same thing that was done to the usb cord only the wires in my cell charger  are red and yellow  match the red wires together and the yellow and the black together  

ok now that the wires are hooked up we need to test to see that it works

so plug your usb cord into a USB  Port then plug in the cell charger in to the phone and see if its charging if it is  

Step 3: Wraping It Up

once you got the connections correct you can solder the wires and either heat shrink the wires or wrap them with electrical tape 
 since i didnt have a soldering iron ,solder or heat shrink tubing i just used electrical tape