Introduction: Ultimate Travel Hacks

About: Hi, I'm Mark! I make Instructables of things I find cool so follow me and check my stuff out! :)

Looking forward to traveling soon? Use these ingenious hacks to make the trip less hectic and frustrating.

Step 1: Keep Collars Crisp

Keep your collars on your dress shirts or polos nice, neat, and crisp. Use a rolled up belt and insert it into the collar area of your shirt. Not only does this keep collars neat, but it also doubles as a space saver. It's a win-win situation!

Step 2: FRAGILE!

Place a "Fragile" label on your baggage to make sure airport personnel treat your things with care. In addition to that, airlines usually place "Fragile" baggage at the top of the cargo to ensure your stuff isn't going to be smashed. Since it is at the top, it is also very likely that your baggage will be one of the first to make it to baggage claim, ending the eternal-like waiting that is accustomed to baggage claim.

Step 3: Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh

Do you find that your clothes aren't smelling too good when you reach your hotel? Place a dryer sheet in your luggage to bring a fresh, clean scent to your clothes.

Step 4: Tangled Cables No More!

Tired of tangled cables? Place your chargers and/or headphone cables inside of an eyeglasses case to save space and your sanity from tangled cables.

Step 5: Roll 'em!

Roll your clothes instead of folding them when packing to save space and reduce wrinkles.

Step 6: Stuff Your Shoes

Stuff your shoes with your socks to save space and to retain the shape of your kicks.

Step 7: Spill and Leaks? No More!

Eliminate the chance of leaks and spills by placing cling wrap over the mouth of a container and then twisting the cap on. No more soapy messes!

Step 8: ChapStick to CashStick

Have an empty lip balm stick? Clean out all of the balm and insides to reveal a perfect place to stash your cash from thieves. This is the one place thieves won't plan on looking.

Step 9: Let's Go!

Make sure to use these travel hacks on your next vacation or business trip and tell me how they went! Remember traveling is supposed to be enjoyable so make the most of it and have the time of your life.

I would appreciate it if you would vote for my "ible" as well in the travel tips contest.
Thank you and Bon Voyage!
Travel Tips Contest

Second Prize in the
Travel Tips Contest

Summer Fun Contest

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest

Outside Contest

Participated in the
Outside Contest