Introduction: Light Weight Portable Archery Target for Under $25

About: Robert started prepping 15 years ago in anticipation of the perceived Y2K crisis. Starting out small with just enough resources to get him and his family through a week of supply disruptions, this quickly turn…

This project is fast, easy and inexpensive. It will only take about 20 minutes to make and you will have a great archery target that will last a long time. Not only that, it is light weight and portable.

This target was tested with different draw weight bows and can take up to at least 50 lb draw probably a bit more. Hope you all enjoy.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Material Needed:

2 Sheets of poly styrene 2' X 8' - Cost $12
4 Foam Mats - Cost $6
3-4 Rolls of Duct Tape - Cost $4
1 Roll of Packing Tape - Cost $1
Knife or Box Cuter

Step 2: Cut and Assemble Taget

1) Place 2 mats side to side and cut polystyrene to suit

2) With first piece cut use as a template for cutting of remaining pieces.

3) You should end up with 5 layers. Made up of 4 layers of perfect cut and one made from the two drops.

4) Stack polystyrene layers together and lay mats on top.

5) Use duct tape to tape mats to polystyrene layers. Turn over and place mats on other side and repeat.

Step 3: Print Target and Assemble

Download the attached PDF of the target. It measures 23" X 23" and you can print out on a standard printer using the poster setting in Acrobat Reader or take to photo copy place and have printed out on large format black and white.

If printing on standard printer, you will need to do a little cutting and taping to put it together.

Step 4: Tape Target to Mat

Tape target to mat. Repeat on other side if you want double sided target.

Step 5: You Are Now Ready for Target Practice

Being so light you can take this almost any where.

Set up target in a safe location and have hours of fun practising your archery for The Hunger Games.