Introduction: Upcycled Seed Starting

Here is a fun and inexpensive way to start seeds in reused take out containers, pots made from old magazines or seed catalogs and plant labels made from old yogurt containers.

Its a great way to reduce waste, while growing a little garden.

Make sure you clean your plastic take out container. Those roasted chicken containers are great BTW.


Any take out container with a clear lid

Magazine or old seed catalog (letter size)

A bottle or can with a 2 inch diameter bottom




Step 1: Paper Pots

Tear a sheet out of the magazine or catalog

Step 2: Fold

Take one of the long edges of the page and take it to about 2 inches from the other edge. Press into place. This will double up the side of the pot, giving it extra stability.

Step 3: Mark the Bottle

Place a strip of tapeon the bottle about 2.5 inches from the bottom. This will help make uniformly sized pots. When rolling the pots, line the edge of the paper on the tape.

Step 4: Roll

Place the bottle on the folded piece of paper. Line up the fold or creased side of the paper with the mark on the bottle.

Step 5: Secure Bottom

While holding the page on the bottle with one hand, fold in the bottom of the pot.

Press into place by pressing it into your hand while rotating the bottle in your hand.

Step 6: Secure Top

Fold the top of the pot into itself. Do this a little section at a time while rotating the pot in your had. This will add stability to the pot.

Step 7: Repeat

Make as many aw you need. I will use 12 for this try. I could probadly squeeze in a few, but I'm sticking to 12

Step 8: Place Pots in Tray

Step 9: Add Soil

Fill the pots with your favorite seed starting mix.

Step 10: Add Seeds

Make a small hole in the center of each of the paper pots. Nasturtiums like to be sown 1/2 to 1 inch deep, but check your seed pack for planting depth of your seeds.

Drop one seed in each hole

Cover with soil

Step 11: Label

I am planting all the pots with the same thing, but if you are sowing different kinds of seeds, do not forget to label the pots.

Save a empty yogurt container. Make sure its clean and cut it up into little strips 1/2 an inch wide and 3-4 inches long.

Using a pencil, write on the interior (or white side) of the strip and make a label for each pot.

Step 12: Water

Gently water in the seeds and soil. Do not overwater. We don't want them soaking wet or sitting in water. Just keep the soil moist.

Step 13: Cover

Place the clear lid on the container

Step 14: Keep Warm

Place in a warm place. Once the seeds sprouts, make sure you keep the tray in a warm and sunny location

Step 15: Remove Cover

Once about half of the pots sprout their seed, remove the clear dome.

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