Introduction: Update!
What I'm up to at the moment and why there haven't been as many instructables up as I would like...
Step 1: Why Are There No New Instructables? (From Me)
Yeah sorry about that guys. I'm currently building a Skyrim helmet which is taking up a lot of my time. I would make an instructable on it... If it weren't another Instructable already. But if you want you can check that out here:
As to original stuff... Read on my friend!
Step 2: Nerf
I repainted a Nerf gun and forgot to take any pictures!!!!!! I'm really sorry guys!!! It was pretty straight forward anyways though. But I'll explain the process anyway.
Step 3: Take It Apart
Yeah self explanatory. Just don't loose pieces and know how to reassemble.
Step 4: Prime and Paint the Shells
Cover it in a coat or two of primer then paint... And maybe cover it in clear nail polish or something so the paint doesn't wear off of the trigger. Doh! Guess what I forgot! Then it's done!
Step 5: That Was All
That's it for my update! Sorry about not doing much. If you want a rundown of the Captain America card thats on that table, or the BA looking gun, drop a comment!
Step 6: WAIT!
I forgot something! I want to hear what you want me to build next! Just drop a movie or video game prop in the comments and maybe I'll build it! Also I have a list of stuff I want to build so tell me wether or not I should! Currently in the top 5:
The Staff of Ra
Wolverine claws
A Batarang
The breathing device from "Sherlock Holmes: a game of shadows"
Or a Ghostbusters ghost trap
Thanks for giving me a read looking forward to what you guys want more of! Cheers!