Introduction: Use a DSL With WiFi Router As a LAN Router

About: I had a long break in my online activity, bad things happened in my life and i'm still trying to recover, sorry folks that i was away for a long time and please be patient with me, i will be better in time, i …
I needed a cheap and easy way to have a WiFi LAN. I buyed a old tcom speedport w500 DSL modem with wifi router for 2.5 Euro. This instructable is more pictures that text but it shud help you.

WARNING: YOU CANT GIVE YOUR LAPTOP INTERNET. For that you will need aditional software like a proxy server (Wingate, AnalogX Proxy Server, ...)

This works with all DSL modems with a LAN port and  WiFi support.

Step 1: Config Your LAN Settings

In start menu -> settings -> network connections

Step 2: Browser

Open a browser window, i use Google Chrome but it works with Internet Explorer or Firefox, Opera, Safari, ... .
Type and hit enter. Follow the steps in the order of the pictures.

Thats all.