Introduction: Vegan Curry Mealprep
This recipe is both easy to make and great for mealprep. It is one of my all time favorites. It is fast, cheap and full of flavor.
I have tried mealprepping a couple of times in the past and thought it wasn't for me.
UNTILL I got confirmation that four is the absolute maximum of days to prep for if you keep your food in the fridge, when it is hot outside I would not go past 3 days.
Keeping it longer will make your food lose flavor. You prep to keep life simple, not tasteless.
Whether you want a lot of variation in your diet or just need a dish for the last day of the week, frozen food is the way to go. Make some pasta sauce or soup or a curry like this one.
This recipe is a slight variation on the -quick red lentil curry- from the Dutch vegan cooking blog
It serves 2-3 persons, but for mealprep you might want to double it.
- boiled rice for 2-3 persons
- 2 unions - diced
- 4 cloves of garlic - pressed
- 400 gram of canned lentils (I usually use about 500 gram, because of the size of the cans)
- 1 sweet potato - peeled and diced
- 1 tiny can of tomato puree
- 2 tbsp of garam masala (the OG recipe says 1 teaspoon, but I really like garam masala)
- 2 tsp. red peper flakes
- 400 gram canned diced tomatoes (I forgot to put this in the picture)
- 50 ml coconut milk
- salt and pepper
- 1 tbsp of coconut oil
Step 1: Step 1
Prep everything, cut your onions and sweet potatoes, open and drain your lentils. I even measure out my spices in advance even though that maybe takes it a little far.
This meal is made so fast, there is little time for cutting things.
Also I get my garam masala as a ground powder rather than in one of those peper mill jars, it just takes ages to grind the right amount and is often more expensive (I buy mine at the flying tiger for 1€)
Put the oil in a pan, preferably one big enough to hold all of the ingredients.
Sauté the union and garlic.
Once the union starts to glaze add the tomato puree, garam masala and red pepper flakes and bake for a few minutes.
Isn't it smelling amazing :D
Step 2: Step 2
Add the lentils and the sweet potato and bake for a few minutes while stirring.
Step 3: Step 3
Add the canned diced tomatoes and potentially a little water.
Let is simmer without a lid on a low setting until the potato is done.
(this is until you can prick it with a fork and the fork does not get stuck in the potato, but comes out easily)
Now add salt and peper to taste.
In order to do this you need to actually taste the curry, I know it seems obvious but it took me a while to learn that you could not just add ingredients because it 'looked right'. Tasting is key to being a good cook.
Step 4: You're Done
Add the coconut milk, stir well and serve with rice. You can also add some coriander if you like.
When using this recipe for meal prepping, I do not prep the rice, it is easy enough to boil it while you heat up your curry and set the table.
Enjoy your meal.