Introduction: Vegetable Peeler From a Soda Can

About: Innovative Projects, Diy's, Life Hacks

If you ever need to peel a bunch of carrots and you can't find a peeler, reach out for the soda can.

Yes, you can use a knife to peel your veggies, but what if you're not great in peeling things with a knife?

I personally prefer a peeler as I am too slow with a knife.

In this Instructable, I demonstrate a way to make a peeler from a soda can.

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Step 1:

Empty the can and break off the ring.

Cut off the top with a can opener.

Step 2:

Remove the tab

Step 3:

To make sure you don't cut yourself, trim the edges with scissors.

Step 4:

Bend the narrow part of the top a little bit, so it could cut off the skin.

That's it!

Now go on and peel some carrots :)

If the peeler is cutting the skin too thick or too thin, adjust the "blade"