Introduction: Wall Clock From Scrap Plywood
Make a shiny wall clock from scrap plywood finished with epoxy resin. It is not so easy to make especially epoxy finish but the result is so amazing and unusual. Reading instructions below will be helpful but then open your imagination and do it in your way. I am sure you can get something unique.
Step 1: Tools and Matrials
I am listing the tools and materials that I have used. Almost anything could be substituted.
- Electric router
- Saw (any kind, even hand saw)
- Sander (orbital or eccentric or belt. even hand sanding will work for this small project)
- Materials:
- Plywood
- Epoxy resin
- Coloring agent (here mica powder is used)
- Wood glue
- Clock movement
Step 2: Clock Face
I had a few scrap plywood pieces leftover from other projects
Cut plywood to 40mm pieces for targeted 35mm face thickness.
Then glued them together, fastened with clamps and left it dry overnight.
I had to do it in two steps since some of the pieces of plywood were too short
It would be match easier if they will be in equal length
Step 3: Shaping the Clock
Once the board is ready we need to shape it.
For flattening I use the custom made router jig. It is not the fastest ways of flattening but for small projects, it works. Match faster alternative is thickness planner (If you have one).
Once clock face is flat in both sides we need to cut a circle. For this, I have also used my router. The picture must be self-explaining.
Now its a time for routing grooves for epoxy resin. The clock will have three straight red lies on its face. You can do it in different shape/color.
Step 4: Groove for Movement
I made a jig for making movement groove since I am making clocks regularly. It is just a piece of chipboard cut in a way that when I slide my router across the edges it makes 57mm x 57m hole. You can do it without a jig by just fixing some straight piece of wood with clamps and sliding router over it.
I like to make a movement hole enough deep to allow about 5mm for clock movement shaft.
Tip: You can bay a chip quartz clock movements from ebay or amazon.
Step 5: Filling Epoxy Lines.
Now is time to fill grooves with epoxy. You need to apply the sealing coat with transparent epoxy first. This layer penetrates into plywood and does not allow red epoxy to do it. Otherwise, the borders of red lines will be not clear.
Step 6: Sanding
Started sanding with angle grinder using 80 grit sandpaper to quickly remove excesses of epoxy. Then switched to finishing sander. Random orbit sander will be preferable.
Used 80, 180, 220 grit sandpapers. After 180 grit, rounded edges with router previously removing about 2mm of plywood to remove defects.
Step 7: Applying Epoxy Coats
Initially, I have planned to apply a couple of polyurethane coats as a finish. You can see it in the video. However, it was a mistake. Plywood unevenly soaks polyurethane before it drys. I gave up after 4th coat and decided to go with epoxy. I had to sand the surface one more time to remove polyurethane excesses.
Applying epoxy is easy to describe but not as easy to do. Basically, you just need to apply a few thin coats letting each coat dry about a day. You also need to sand a little between coats. I have done 3 coats for this clock. If you are doing it the first time then these tips for you.
1) No rush. Don't try to do a lot with a single coat.
2) Don't try to remove all defects when sanding between coats.
Step 8: Sanding Epoxy Cost
Sanded epoxy coat with 80, 180, 220, 400, 800, and finally 1200 grits.Used water sanding to get a smoother result. After each sanding step, you will get more and more transparent look.
Step 9: And Finally Polishing
Polishing needs to be done with slower speeds. I used my Dewalt screwdriver since it was the only tool with speed regulation that I had. I think almost any polishing past will work here. I have used the one which is for polishing car body paint.
Step 10: The Result
Unfortunately, I am not a good photographer and can't take a photo that will really reflect all the beauty of this clock. Try to do something similar and I am sure you will be surprised how amazing it looks like.
You can find more details in video. Also, don't forget to like the video (if you really like it :) ).
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I hope this was interesting and helpful.
Fill free to ask questions below.
P.S. If this strengthens your confidence, know that I am not a carpenter or a maker of any kind. I graduated and work as a software developer. Thus, you cannot find the reason why you cannot do something similar or better.