Introduction: Wall Flowers

Make flowers to hang on your wall! You will need multiple bottles, different sizes are best.

You will need:


Dry erase marker

Hot Glue Gun

Clear Tacks

Step 1: Cut Off the Bottom of the Bottle

Save the top half for later

Step 2: Cut in Between Bulges As Shown

Step 3: Bend Cuts Inward

folding cuts inward make the middle part of the flower.
Repeat the first three steps until you have the amount of flowers your want.

Step 4: Cut Stems and Leaves

Use the top part of the bottle that was saved earlier to cut out stems and leaves

Step 5: Flower Arrangment

Arrange all your flowers, stems, and leaves in the way you want. Heat up a hot glue gun and go to town on connecting all the elements together.

Step 6: Hang It Up!

Clear tacks work really well to secure all flowing parts of the wall flower. The clear tacks enable quick and concealed attachment.