Introduction: Water Powered Flashlight - Micro MEDELIS BATTERY

About: I love experiment...

Just Add Water and This Tiny Emergency Flashlight Glows ...

This battery generates electric power out of Tap Water

(drinking water, river,lake,rain or any similar liquid)...

its small, powerful and super basic

MEDELIS BATTERY will generates electricity until the water dries up...for many hours

(you can always refill water - make it work again)

Step 1: To Build Water Powered Flashlight (MEDELIS BATTERY) You Will Need Some Stuff

Copper Plate, Magnesium Ribbon & Thread...(common thread - normal)

Step 2: You Must Make

Thread must be between Magnesium and Copper - Be sure you don’t let the Magnesium & Copper touch each other.

You must make 4 (MEDELIS BATTERY) cells

each cell will produce 1,3 volt

connect 4 (MEDELIS BATTERIES) so that the positive of one connects to the negative of the ...

and you get 5,2 volts

Copper (+)

Magnesium (-)

Now connect LED and your flashlight ready to go...

Step 3: Add Water and This Tiny Emergency Flashlight Glows ...

NOW Just Add Water and This Tiny Emergency Flashlight Glows ..

Tap Water, drinking water, river,lake,rain or any similar liquid...

MEDELIS BATTERY will generates electricity until the water dries up...for many hours

(you can always refill water - make it work again)

if you do not let water to dried (put it all in a plastic bag) battery will generates electric power for very long, long....long time


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