Introduction: Watermelon Ice Cream

About: I like 3d printing and I like to make things such as cooking or clay.

This is a nice cool home made watermelon ice cream!



  • blender
  • bowl


  • 2 cups of whipped cream
  • 1 cup of condensed milk
  • half of a watermelon

Step 1: Watermelon Juice

Cut the inside of watermelon and blend them to make watermelon juice.

Step 2: Mixture

Take the whipped cream and blend, then add the condensed milk to make creamy mixture.

Step 3: Combining the Two

Combine the juice with the mixture and freeze them for at least 6 to 8 hours.

Step 4: Serve

Serve and have fun eating your homemade watermelon ice cream!

Frozen Treats Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Speed Challenge