Introduction: Wine Bottle Cutting

About: I am the type of person that tries to make the most out of life. I take what opportunites I can and make the most of them. I am a DIY type of person that likes to build stuff: obvious since I am here on this i…
You have various glassware in your house and you don't know what to do with it. Well you can use a technique on the glassware to cut the wine bottle in various shapes and make your art. Here are the steps as follows:

Step 1: Take your glassware and score it along whatever areas you want to create whatever kind of shapes you want.

Step 2: Prepare a bucket with extremely cold water and ice in it for the bottle to be dropped into.

Step 3: Heat up the bottle along the areas were you scored it using a lighter.

Step 4: Drop the glassware into the bucket of cold water and the areas were you scored the glassware should separate from the rest of the glassware.

Step 5: Decorate using those glass pieces however you see fit.

Note: You probably want to be scored into the glass fairly far, have very cold water, and have it heated up very high.