Introduction: Wonton Chips

About: Mother, wife, passionate cook and baker, hobby photographer, living in Asia. Food Blogger, recipe inventor, developer. I am not perfect but perfectly happy!
Everybody knows potato chips but that is not the only thing to make chips with. I use wonton wrappers, the ones used for dumplings and Dim Sum. I always have some in my freezer, so if I have unexpected guests I just pop them into the oven and I have homemade chips.

Step 1:

This is how you do it:

Cut the wrappers into half so you have triangles. Put them on a baking tray and spray them with oil spray.

Step 2:

Turn them over and spray again. Bake them at 200 C for 8-10 minutes. You can sprinkle them with salt or herbs.

Step 3:

Very quick and very easy!
I serve them with Guacamole, Salsa or a sour cream dip.